(This post was last modified: 01-26-2016, 07:40 PM by Marko.)
I ordered a couple of Aftershave Toners and a Salve from Chatillon Lux recently. Today was the day that I tried out the Bon Vivant Aftershave Toner so I thought I'd share the experience with DFS members. Please don't view this as a formal "review" as I am but a humble amateur and enthusiast and merely want to share my thoughts.
This is truly an artisan made product that requires a good shake prior to use to ensure all the good stuff inside is evenly distributed. (I posted today's shave on SOTD if you want to check it out.) I used B&M Anise & Vetiver soap which fills the room with its wonderful smokey anise fragrance and I used a Wolfman loaded with a fresh Kai stainless steel blade to ensure that I paid close attention. I initially thought the the Bon Vivant might be a little strongly scented for me but I forged ahead. after the rinse/alum/cold water rinse I applied the Bon Vivant. Wow! What a wonderfully warming and soothing tonic for a cold winters day. A really nice warmth enveloped my freshly shaved face and soothed any redness/irritation that I may have received from that very sharp razor/blade combination. My concerns regarding the fragrance turned out to be completely unfounded as it mellowed to a very pleasant scent. Its a couple of hours out now and my face feels great, closer to how I feel after a balm than a splash, a bit like the B&M Kyovu feel. I have to stop touching myself or blindness will surely follow
Chatillon Lux is a keeper and has earned a regular spot in my rotation.
I received in the same order the Delor de Treget Salve, Gratiot League Square Toner and a sample of La Foret de Liguest Toner which I will try over the next few days. I'll update this thread with my thoughts on those. Shawn over at Chatillon Lux has several other fragrances and products that I now have to try as well. I've just yesterday placed an order for the Preshave Butter - a product sector I didn't know existed until a couple of days ago. You learn all kinds of things on DFS.
Shawn is doing a great job with these products, the pricing is reasonable (even for a low $ Canadian), the service is excellent and the product outstanding - original and unique, unlike anything I've encountered before. I mean that in a good way
If you haven't checked him out I think you should.
This is truly an artisan made product that requires a good shake prior to use to ensure all the good stuff inside is evenly distributed. (I posted today's shave on SOTD if you want to check it out.) I used B&M Anise & Vetiver soap which fills the room with its wonderful smokey anise fragrance and I used a Wolfman loaded with a fresh Kai stainless steel blade to ensure that I paid close attention. I initially thought the the Bon Vivant might be a little strongly scented for me but I forged ahead. after the rinse/alum/cold water rinse I applied the Bon Vivant. Wow! What a wonderfully warming and soothing tonic for a cold winters day. A really nice warmth enveloped my freshly shaved face and soothed any redness/irritation that I may have received from that very sharp razor/blade combination. My concerns regarding the fragrance turned out to be completely unfounded as it mellowed to a very pleasant scent. Its a couple of hours out now and my face feels great, closer to how I feel after a balm than a splash, a bit like the B&M Kyovu feel. I have to stop touching myself or blindness will surely follow

I received in the same order the Delor de Treget Salve, Gratiot League Square Toner and a sample of La Foret de Liguest Toner which I will try over the next few days. I'll update this thread with my thoughts on those. Shawn over at Chatillon Lux has several other fragrances and products that I now have to try as well. I've just yesterday placed an order for the Preshave Butter - a product sector I didn't know existed until a couple of days ago. You learn all kinds of things on DFS.
Shawn is doing a great job with these products, the pricing is reasonable (even for a low $ Canadian), the service is excellent and the product outstanding - original and unique, unlike anything I've encountered before. I mean that in a good way
