
Mike Distress
New Jersey
Blade used: Wizamet Super Iridium
Overlander Blade Gap - .73mm • Blade Exposure - 0.07mm
Outlaw Blade Gap - .70mm • Blade Exposure - Neutral to slight positive depending on blade used
Beard Growth: 7 Days

     I decided to add this comparison separate from what I have been doing as these are not considered the higher efficiency, large gap/exposure, blade forward shavers like I have been comparing. I did want to do this as they are both similar specs on paper. They are both smooth, reasonably mild shavers, yet still quite efficient without feeling so.

WTG Pass:

     The Overlander feels a little bit smoother on the WTG pass. I don’t know if the scalloped bar on the Alpha has anything to do with maybe given just a slight bit more bite, but there is a difference. Even if a small one. Nothing that feels like it will tear your face up by any means. They both work well under the nose. I think the edge on that one may actually go to the Alpha.

XTG Pass:

     The slight edge XTG is definitely going to go to the Overlander. It was definitely a little bit smoother, even if by just a small margin. Again, I don’t know if it’s the scalloped bar on the Alpha, but the Alpha had just the slightest bit more feel. Don’t mistake this to mean it’s super scratchy or scrapey, because it’s not, it was just a hair more than Overlander, but it is by no means threatening feeling. 


     They’re both very good ATG and are both very efficient razors. I was BBS with three passes and just a small amount of cleanup, not really much. The small amount of cleanup they required could rival the results I’ve gotten from higher efficiency razors.


      These are both very outstanding razors to me. They are both also, to me, a great value from the price/performance/quality perspective. They both have also taught me that blade gap/exposure is only a part of the performance story. Gap, exposure, design, geometry, angle, blade used, etc. all factor into the equation. I believe these could both fall into the mild/medium category with a leaning towards medium.

     Both razors paired with the Wizamet easily made short work of my 7 day growth. 2 passes had me at DFS, bordering on BBS. Keep in mind pairing these razors with different blades or less sharp blades will affect performance. It is my feeling that they pair and perform well with a nice sharp blade and still maintain a beautifully smooth and comfortable shave. You don't sacrifice comfort for performance/efficiency.

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