I was reading somewhere that as a person new to DE shaving is trying to find a blade that works for them, that once they find one that works for them, they should stick with that one blade. Is that true, or is it possible to rotate blades?

I realize that if someone has two different razors (like an Edwin Jagger de89 and a Parker 99r), the Parker is going to be more aggressive, so it would be good to use a mild blade. Of course, I haven't used my Parker 99r in such a long time.

In addition to the EJ-DE89, I also have several vintage Gillettes, including a blue tip, silver (or flare) tip, a red tip, as well as some Gillette Adjustables.

Thank You for any feedback.


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Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
My own opinion, and it's just my perspective, is that a good part of the pleasure of shaving is the varying experiences provided by using different hardware and software. I have about 8 different blade types that I use in my rotation, and they are all good, but I enjoy feeling their differences. If I stopped after finding shaving goods that 'work' for me, I would have no reason to come to this forum any more.

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Posting Freak
Not true. You will find several blades that work for you and you will find that they don’t all work for you across different razors.   When I was starting out I had one razor. The EJ DE89 so I tried a wide variety of blades and kept brief notes so I could keep it straight. I found quite a few different blades that worked well with that razor and a few that didn’t. One of the worst blades in that razor for me was Feather but now it’s my favourite blade in different razors. You will eventually find which blades work best for you in the various razors you will eventually have. It would be sad and boring to stick with one blade brand for the rest of your life.

Entasis likes this post
I wasn't sure if your reply was meant for me, or if you were primarily responding to the previous response.

What you are saying about a blade giving great results in one razor and not in another, has also been my experience, however, I have also found that as my technique has improved, I'm able to experiment with different razor/blade combinations. I think that is what the last person was saying. Both of your's advice is really helpful.

Thank You.
(10-08-2021, 10:51 PM)Marko Wrote: Not true. You will find several blades that work for you and you will find that they don’t all work for you across different razors.   When I was starting out I had one razor. The EJ DE89 so I tried a wide variety of blades and kept brief notes so I could keep it straight. I found quite a few different blades that worked well with that razor and a few that didn’t. One of the worst blades in that razor for me was Feather but now it’s my favourite blade in different razors. You will eventually find which blades work best for you in the various razors you will eventually have. It would be sad and boring to stick with one blade brand for the rest of your life.

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For example, my favorite blade, Kai blade, doesn’t perform the same or preferable in every single Safety razor. It works in most razors but some of my favorite safety razors weren’t as comfortable if I used a Kai blade in it. I have a handful of blades I have been rotating through this year that are newer to me but throughout the years, I still really enjoy Red Israeli Personna Platinum Chrome and Kai quite a bit since I have had a lot of shaves using those two with great success for the most part. I find them both very consistent as far as quality and good level of sharpness and smoothness.

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Posting Freak
(10-08-2021, 11:43 PM)ksmith56 Wrote: I wasn't sure if your reply was meant for me, or if you were primarily responding to the previous response.

What you are saying about a blade giving great results in one razor and not in another, has also been my experience, however, I have also found that as my technique has improved, I'm able to experiment with different razor/blade combinations.  I think that is what the last person was saying.  Both of your's advice is really helpful.

Thank You.
(10-08-2021, 10:51 PM)Marko Wrote: Not true. You will find several blades that work for you and you will find that they don’t all work for you across different razors.   When I was starting out I had one razor. The EJ DE89 so I tried a wide variety of blades and kept brief notes so I could keep it straight. I found quite a few different blades that worked well with that razor and a few that didn’t. One of the worst blades in that razor for me was Feather but now it’s my favourite blade in different razors. You will eventually find which blades work best for you in the various razors you will eventually have. It would be sad and boring to stick with one blade brand for the rest of your life.

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I was responding to you.  There’s no hard and fast rules really, just whatever works for you. There’s no doubt that as your technique improves you’ll find that you’ll be able to revisit some of the blade -razor combinations that you may have initially not enjoyed and find that they work better.  We don’t see the phrase YMMV (your mileage may vary) all that much anymore but it’s still just as applicable as it’s ever been. Enjoy the journey.

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