
Austin, TX
I agree. I love to cook (and eat) and use the same sort of approach to soap scents- enjoy them as a sum of their parts and create a context that is experiential for that particular set of variables.

Makes every shave even that more enjoyable and definitely creates soaps that I am in the "mood" for on particular days!

Greenville, SC USA
Hi Will,

As a returnee to wet shaving, after a long absence, I'm just getting started with all the accouterments now available. I like the way you communicate and describe your products.

Question about your AS bottles. Are they plastic or glass and do they have any kind of regulator in the cap so that it is easier to dispense a small amount in the hand for application? A country club size of Pinaud Clubman still resides in this house and its small diameter hole in the cap is exactly what I'm talking about. Yep, a finger over the top does it, but the small hole is ideal with less viscous products.
Does Mean I Must Buy High End Shaving Gear?

Maker of Soaps and Shaver of Men
Cooperstown, NY, USA
(11-01-2015, 07:55 PM)beamon Wrote: Hi Will,

As a returnee to wet shaving, after a long absence, I'm just getting started with all the accouterments now available. I like the way you communicate and describe your products.

Question about your AS bottles. Are they plastic or glass and do they have any kind of regulator in the cap so that it is easier to dispense a small amount in the hand for application? A country club size of Pinaud Clubman still resides in this house and its small diameter hole in the cap is exactly what I'm talking about. Yep, a finger over the top does it, but the small hole is ideal with less viscous products.

Hi there and welcome back!

Except for the Latha bottles (which are polyethylene), all of our aftershave bottles are amber glass (the color protects the fragrance compounds inside). There is indeed an orifice reducer to make dispensing the product easy and economical. Just shake the bottle into your hand until you have the desired amount.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. Smile
“You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.” – Marcus Aurelius

Fine grooming products at Barrister and Mann.  Smile www.barristerandmann.com

Maker of Soaps and Shaver of Men
Cooperstown, NY, USA
There has been speculation in the wet shaving community over the last week regarding the failure of our ordering system during the Hallows release on October 23rd. Now that we’ve determined what exactly went wrong, I feel that it’s time that we cleared the air. As it turns out, the problem was two-fold.

First and foremost, we simply didn’t make enough product. We relied on the data from our previous limited edition releases this year to forecast expected demand. It seemed very much as though 240 jars would be enough, perhaps even too much. 200 bottles of aftershave seemed like overkill. Obviously, we grossly underestimated the demand for the product, which, as is now obvious, was a serious mistake.

Second, our ordering system freaked out, but we couldn’t figure out why. We run our store on Shopify, by all accounts a heavy-duty, solid system capable of withstanding major influxes of traffic without even a flicker. So we called Shopify and told them what happened; everyone we spoke to about it was puzzled. After a week of bugging them every few days to see if they had figured it out yet, we finally got an answer: whenever a product is added to the shopping cart in Shopify, it’s reserved for a period of either 5 minutes or until the customer finishes the checkout, whichever comes first. If the entire stock runs out at once, as happened with the Hallows soap, the product will register as being in stock on the site but, because the entire complement is held in this semi-checkout limbo, the shopping cart will begin to register the product as out-of-stock to prevent customers from having product sold out from under them.

In their enthusiasm for Hallows, folks hit the system so hard and so fast that the entire soap stuck was shunted into limbo all at once, which is what caused the inventory and checkout assemblages to begin informing people that the product was out-of-stock. Ironically, what was designed to function as a failsafe to prevent people from having soap taken from them instead gave our customers the impression that that was EXACTLY what was happening. Unfortunately, it was an occurrence that we absolutely could not have foreseen or prevented, and Shopify refuses to do anything to alter the system such that the “feature” can be turned off. To their way of thinking, the system functioned exactly as intended and there is thus no problem.

So this left us in an awkward position. How are we to go about repairing a problem that our e-commerce provider itself won’t rectify? Here’s what’s going to happen:

1) Unfortunately, it’s not possible for us to produce another batch of Hallows this year. Our production schedule is too full for us to be able to handle another run in that period of time. We apologize again to those who missed out.

2) On that same note, all future Limited Edition releases will consist of at least 500 units of soap and will be offered to all of our US and Canadian retailers. This will help distribute the load on the checkout/inventory system such that there will be multiple outlets for folks to obtain our products.

3) To slow down the hits on the checkout safeguard, we’ve FINALLY determined a way to limit purchase quantities. All future LE releases will be limited to 3 jars of soap and 3 bottles of aftershave per customer.

Additionally, we ask that our customers not employ bots, scripts, or other browser tricks to game our ordering system. We’re concerned that such measures may have an adverse effect on our inventory tracking system during periods of very high volume and it would be very helpful if such measures were not employed.

Finally, to our concerned customers who have suggested that we accept pre-payment for soap and use that method to determine how many to make, it’s unfortunately not possible for us to do so. SEC regulations dictate that any such pre-sale must have the merchandise shipped within 7 days of payment authorization. It simply would not be possible for us to put all of the material necessary for a full production run within a week’s time. Those companies who do accept such payments do so at considerable risk to themselves (whether they know it or not) and it’s not a risk we can justify; the penalties for incurring the ire of the SEC are severe.

I hope that I’ve been able to clear up some of the uncertainty surrounding the problems with our release. For anyone who has additional questions or concerns, please feel free to post them here, send us a Facebook message, or email us directly from our website. Thank you all very much for your patience and support while we tried to deal this extremely difficult situation.

-Will Carius, Founder & President
“You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.” – Marcus Aurelius

Fine grooming products at Barrister and Mann.  Smile www.barristerandmann.com
I was not effected by this (though I do want it in the future). I want to thank you and express my respect for being open and transparent about this. you have a dedicated fan given your post above.

Thank you.


Posting Freak
Will, its interesting to get an insight into how these online storefronts like shopify work - doesn't solve the issue though. It remains to be seen whether this will happen again given your decision to distribute to your vendors in future. If the bot / script / trickery miscreants continue to do their thing there won't be much you can do as they can hit multiple sites simultaneously. Its really too bad that things like limited releases that are intended to generate interest and be fun can be turned into a negative thing.

Notwithstanding the Hallows Affair, I remain a dedicated Barrister & Mann customer and fan. Keep up the great work.
I was able to score a tub and am very anxious to try it soon, perhaps tomorrow Smile
Will, thank you for doing fun special releases - some of us really enjoy and appreciate them, as the intense demand for this one should make quite evident. I really enjoy your products and am grateful for their nourishing qualities as we move into the dry winter season.
Also, the sticker on my box was the first time I'd seen your new tagline - "Uncommon Scents." Brilliant! It made my wife and I both smile. Smile

Maker of Soaps and Shaver of Men
Cooperstown, NY, USA
(11-03-2015, 04:44 AM)SoundBrewer Wrote: I was able to score a tub and am very anxious to try it soon, perhaps tomorrow Smile
Will, thank you for doing fun special releases - some of us really enjoy and appreciate them, as the intense demand for this one should make quite evident. I really enjoy your products and am grateful for their nourishing qualities as we move into the dry winter season.
Also, the sticker on my box was the first time I'd seen your new tagline - "Uncommon Scents." Brilliant! It made my wife and I both smile. Smile

Glad you like it! Smile
“You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.” – Marcus Aurelius

Fine grooming products at Barrister and Mann.  Smile www.barristerandmann.com

Austin, TX
(This post was last modified: 11-03-2015, 02:45 PM by kwsher.)
Well handled Will and thanks for the note/update.

Another option that I haven't seen bantered around is creating a Barrister_N_Mann soap "club" whereby your VIP community pays some sort of annual fee which entitles them to either first right of refusal or actual LE product.

The users are not paying for the product itself per se but the ability to be within the VIP program for LE access, product update, etc.

Just a thought and I am aware of other artisans who have similar.

Regardless, you have far more supporters than detractors. Keep up the great work!

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Will, I have three of your soaps; two were gifts and one I purchased. Every one of them is outstanding. Your open way of keeping in touch with us only makes your products that much more worthwhile and valuable. Problems will pop up from time to time and limited editions will come and go. However, honesty and quality will always see you come out on top. Happy2

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