Just sharing my session notes for the B&B pass around of the La Faulx SS variant. I will start evaluating the DFS Ti variant tomorrow.
La Faulx SS Evaluation Series
Session 2
Please see notes from Session 1 report.
A transformative shaving session occurred today with the support of a Feather Pro Super blade. After applying another delightful lather of House of Mammoth Alive, I somewhat gingerly approached the first downward stroke of a WTG pass. And in that moment, I became confident today’s effort would result in an outstanding shave. With just a slight correction in angle, the pass continued with glee and ease. An enhanced level of comfort and safety elevated my confidence and speed. But I did not succumb to full reckless abandon as a level of respect must be maintained for the Pro Super blade. While I would not consider this blade harsh, it can lead to a level of post shave feedback in some razors, without vigilance of applied pressure. But that seemed less necessary with the La Faulx.
With WTG complete, I quickly moved through a XTG pass. Once again no danger was present and only swaths of stubble feared the combination of the La Faulx and Pro Super blade. And the ATG pass was no different. Although I did still slightly struggle with achieving an optimal angle in the mustache area. However, the results were significantly improved over Session 1. The only casualty was a small weeper on the right side mustache from a gluttonous fit of applying one additional touch up. I feel confident that my proficiency will continue to improve and fully master this section of beard terrain. Also no issues today with missing shaving angle engagement and spreading lather with the safety bar.
After post care application a very slight amount of feedback was present on the jawline and maybe just a hint on the right side neckline. The apparent safety and comfort with the Feather Pro Super combination is impressive. And today’s results were simply an outstanding BBS. I am excited to evaluate this configuration with the Ti variant.
Pleasant shaves to all!
Overall Score: 9.8 / 10
RAZOR: Atelier
BLADE: Feather Pro Super AC [1]
BRUSH: Rudy Vey Chief Muhle STF 25mm
LATHER: House of Mammoth Alive
POST: House of Mammoth Alive Aftershave Splash