I've never heard any talk about Mondial shaving brushes, or soaps and creams for that matter. I have been looking at their website where the section of badgers and is vast. Imo they are some of the best looking handles of any large scale brush maker. I'm just shopping around for the next brush to buy in a few weeks or so and Mondial is definitely on my short list. They also have a really nice looking synthetic.

If nobody can comment on the brushes how about the soaps or creams? I can't find any reviews but did find a youtube video review of one of the creams and the lather looked great.

Austin, TX
Hey Joe, I can't comment on the brushes as I have never tried them personally. Quite some time back I received a complimentary puck of the Mondial Sandalwood soap from Juan at GiftsandCare but actually have never used it. I can take it for a test run tomorrow morning and share some thoughts though.

Hobbyist likes this post
(12-18-2015, 03:32 AM)kwsher Wrote: Hey Joe, I can't comment on the brushes as I have never tried them personally. Quite some time back I received a complimentary puck of the Mondial Sandalwood  soap from Juan at GiftsandCare but actually have never used it. I can take it for a test run tomorrow morning and share some thoughts though.

Wow! How could you resist? They appear to be higher end products and the soap and cream fragrances are designed for aromatherapy use according to the descriptions on their site. That means they use essential oils which is even more temping for me since I prefer EOs over fragrance oils when offered.

Austin, TX
Hobbyist, I cracked open the Mondial this morning and wanted to share some thoughts post use. The puck itself was in a plastic tub, wrapped in paper and on opening was definitely a hard soap. What struck me initially was the lack of scent [more on that later].

Bloomed the puck whilst in the shower and began to load with a Plissoft brush. I am not sure if this puck is full size or travel, but the container is a bit small for loading although still Ok. I wasn't quite sure about this soap as the proto lather began to form as it seemed very light and airy and I prefer a thicker presence.

But, I changed my mind during use and building my lather. It readily formed a thick cushion for my first pass of three. Not a very thirsty soap, I only used the water on my face after a splash to hydrate and quickly developed a nice lather with PLENTY of cushion and decent slickness.

Post shave is fairly good and I would say in the mid-range of soaps; decent moisturizing but not fantastic.

The scent: well, big miss here. The label tells me Sandalo but my nose tells me nada. Zilch. Bupkus. Almost as if it were unscented. Could be this single sample as I have had it for a while but it was unopened until today. Will use it a few more times and see if perhaps it increases as I get through the outer layer though.

Nonetheless, pretty decent performer but I do have others I would put ahead on the list.

Freddy, hrfdez and Hobbyist like this post
Kevin - Thanks for testing it out and too bad about the scent. I might have to pass on trying it due to weak scent. How old is yours?

Cleveland, Ohio
At one point Mondial soap was made by Tcheon Fung Sing. I don't know if they currently make it. They don't make all of their handles, I think I read somewhere that most of them were made in Germany. I think the brushes are made by Pennellificio Bagnoli.

Hobbyist likes this post
(This post was last modified: 12-19-2015, 07:01 AM by Hobbyist.)
(12-19-2015, 04:37 AM)jankdc Wrote: At one point Mondial soap was made by Tcheon Fung Sing. I don't know if they currently make it.  They don't make all of their handles, I think I read somewhere that most of them were made in Germany. I think the brushes are made by Pennellificio Bagnoli.

Thanks for the info on the soaps. As for the Mondial brushes, I emailed Gifts and Care about them since they sell Mondial products. They replied today and said the "knots are hand tied using their mechanical process although all the components come from Italy."

Austin, TX
(12-19-2015, 12:49 AM)Hobbyist Wrote: Kevin - Thanks for testing it out and too bad about the scent. I might have to pass on trying it due to weak scent. How old is yours?

Hi Joe, not sure exactly but at least 5-6 mos? I have not used it again since that first session but will break it out this week again and revisit.

Central Maine
Is there a link to their website? Google didn't turn one up.
Brian. Lover of SE razors.

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