
Thousand Oaks, CA
Tasty is a page on Facebook that shows step-by-step video instructions on how to make some pretty mouthwatering dishes.
The idea is to show that cooking can be easy, inspiring, and delicious.

Cooking has always been a daunting task for me, I don't have the imagination to whip something together based on the few ingredients I have in the fridge. The wife is the same way sadly, neither one of us actually cooks much. Watching these videos makes me want to jump in a get cooking!

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Gareth  |  VENDOR 
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Central Maine
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2015, 05:50 PM by ShadowsDad.)
I'm sure some folks do, but I don't because I'm not on Facebook. FWIW, there are youtube videos that also show cooking, and many PBS cooking shows have online videos also.

Gareth, instead of counting on what's in the refrigerator, why not find a recipe you want to make and buy the ingredients? Maybe Tasty doesn't do it, but Americas Test Kitchen, for instance, has an ingredient list for every recipe that can be printed out for shopping.

I was going to suggest that you make the no knead bread I have posted here to get your feet wet in bread making, but I see that I haven't posted it here. I'll correct that. All it requires is a cast iron dutch oven for a perfect rustic loaf that will knock your socks off. But other containers will also work as long as they'll take the heat. The rest of the requirements are a bowl, a spoon, water, flour and yeast. Oh, and time. It's put together one day and baked the next. Trust me you can make it. You'll need a bread knife to cut it. Or make it in a loaf pan and just any knife will cut it.

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Brian. Lover of SE razors.

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