
Greenville, SC USA
As a new guy reacquainting himself with wet shaving after 45 years of workaday, lousy, electric shaving, I found the shaving boards to be chock full of abbreviations which might as well have been written in Greek. B&B had this most helpful list of abbreviations available that I use frequently. In fact, I keep it open in a separate tab on my browser so I can access it with one click.

One by one they are being committed to memory, but until then, this is the "cat's meow"!


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Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Those acronyms and abbreviations can drive me crazy, too. Some have been used so much that I instantly know what they mean and I use them (YMMV=Your Mileage May Vary). Most others I just find annoying because they stop the even flow of my reading. An example of that would be IIRC which stands for If I Recall (or Remember) Correctly. Many others I do not understand at all. Sometimes I can figure them out from the context of the sentence but most times I just give up.

I am from an older generation when spelling, punctuation, and grammar were important. Things like hand written cards and thank you notes, not telephone calls, were proper etiquette. I accept that times change and by the very nature of the fact that I am a member of DFS I see those changes every day. However, while I have adapted to some, I have no intention of accepting them as necessarily correct.  Winking

wyze0ne, Bob H and 1morepasswill like this post

Austin, TX
I am in the mid range at 50 and agree that I generally try to ensure proper grammar etc. I often make mistakes as I am multi-tasking (as now on a concall) or otherwise distracted.

If I return and notice I will change.

I am guilty of acronyms and both understand and appreciate the frustration as I share it to some degree. I do work in an environment rife with the same, one that in fact has developed some reputation within the technology space as being overboard with acronyms even in a relative sense so perhaps I have been desensitized.

For internet general acronyms, my 15 year old niece helps with translation and awareness. For shaving-centric, I have been in and around wet shaving for nearly 11 years now so have most down. Still get stumped on occasion though.


Bob H, Rebus Knebus and Freddy like this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Kevin, what is TTFN?  See what I mean?  Shorthand for you but not helpful for me.  At 69 years of age I have no plans of trying to figure out that stuff now. Tongue

Austin, TX
(10-14-2015, 05:58 PM)Freddy Wrote: Kevin, what is TTFN?  See what I mean?  Shorthand for you but not helpful for me.  At 69 years of age I have no plans of trying to figure out that stuff now.  Tongue
My albeit weak attempt at obscure humor.

If consolation, I had no idea either; my niece was signing off with that closing in various notes, emails, texts, etc. I had to conduct Google acrobatics and came up with...

Ta Ta for Now.
(10-14-2015, 04:07 PM)Freddy Wrote: Those acronyms and abbreviations can drive me crazy, too. Some have been used so much that I instantly know what they mean and I use them (YMMV=Your Mileage May Vary). Most others I just find annoying because they stop the even flow of my reading. An example of that would be IIRC which stands for If I Recall (or Remember) Correctly. Many others I do not understand at all. Sometimes I can figure them out from the context of the sentence but most times I just give up.

I am from an older generation when spelling, punctuation, and grammar were important. Things like hand written cards and thank you notes, not telephone calls, were proper etiquette. I accept that times change and by the very nature of the fact that I am a member of DFS I see those changes every day. However, while I have adapted to some, I have no intention of accepting them as necessarily correct.  Winking


Thousand Oaks, CA
FWIW, a DFS ≠ BBS. Of course, YMMV IMHO. Sometimes a SAS is all you need. HTH!

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(This post was last modified: 10-14-2015, 09:12 PM by brucered.)
I've been active on B&B for 5 years now and haven't seen 90% of those abbreviations used.

Most know the common ones: ATG, WTG, XTG, BBS, DFS, PIF (the AD's) and the vendor ones like: SMN, RR, QCS, B&M, TGN.

I'm afraid more and more people are using them lately. Some can't even be bothered to use CAPITALS or punctuation any more. If you want to be taken serious, don't use too many abbreviations and use Capital letters when applicable.

Freddy and 1morepasswill like this post

Austin, TX
The only acronym you really need to worry about is:


The rest don't really matter, no matter how you spell them.

1morepasswill likes this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(10-14-2015, 09:24 PM)kwsher Wrote: The only acronym you really need to worry about is:


The rest don't really matter, no matter how you spell them.

[Image: lol1.gif]

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