Somewhere, lurking in the garden of your memory banks at dusk, hanging in that perfumed, summer breeze of your will catch a whiff of Honeysuckle long before you see it; heady and nectarous, a little like jasmine tinged with vanilla. You know this scent well and the memories it spawns and will spawn with every shave to come! Welcome to time travel.
First 50 Bundles Include Limited Edition, Collectible, Holographic Label!!!
Excerpt from 2019s Original Re-release: Fans of our original Honeysuckle will truly enjoy our latest variation on this Phoenix Shaving cult classic! Fran and I took a long, hard look at the original recipe and noticed some room for improvement, so improve we did!
Son of Honeysuckle tackles the more sophisticated side of the Japanese Honeysuckle Flower this year; a bolder, deeper, moodier expression of the true soul of the blossom.
Using a blend of both Japanese Honeysuckle Hydrosol, Calendula Hydrosol, and Benzoin Resin, I was really able to add more body to the profile of the accord while not getting in the way of the original notes. This pushing and pulling of the scent made a difference in how the fragrance develops during the course of the day. Son of Honeysuckle comes to life during the dry down. Fans will be astounded.
Keeping it thematic and equally beneficial, I also chose to include Honeysuckle Extract & Pure Calendula Oil as skin food in our Aftershave/Cologne! SPRING IS HERE SHAVE CADETS!
"Getting You In A Lather Since 2012, Phoenix Shaving!" [Please Share The News!]
#SonOfHoneysuckle #SpringSummerScent #PhoenixShaving #PhoenixArtisanAccoutrements #Artisan #TheOGSciFiShave #TrySomethingDifferent #MoreThanJustShaving #AShaveNewWorld
SON OF HONEYSUCKLE, A Phoenix Shaving Classic Returns!
![[Image: 7gPKW0Q.jpeg]](
Somewhere, lurking in the garden of your memory banks at dusk, hanging in that perfumed, summer breeze of your will catch a whiff of Honeysuckle long before you see it; heady and nectarous, a little like jasmine tinged with vanilla. You know this scent well and the memories it spawns and will spawn with every shave to come! Welcome to time travel.
First 50 Bundles Include Limited Edition, Collectible, Holographic Label!!!
Excerpt from 2019s Original Re-release: Fans of our original Honeysuckle will truly enjoy our latest variation on this Phoenix Shaving cult classic! Fran and I took a long, hard look at the original recipe and noticed some room for improvement, so improve we did!
Son of Honeysuckle tackles the more sophisticated side of the Japanese Honeysuckle Flower this year; a bolder, deeper, moodier expression of the true soul of the blossom.
Using a blend of both Japanese Honeysuckle Hydrosol, Calendula Hydrosol, and Benzoin Resin, I was really able to add more body to the profile of the accord while not getting in the way of the original notes. This pushing and pulling of the scent made a difference in how the fragrance develops during the course of the day. Son of Honeysuckle comes to life during the dry down. Fans will be astounded.
Keeping it thematic and equally beneficial, I also chose to include Honeysuckle Extract & Pure Calendula Oil as skin food in our Aftershave/Cologne! SPRING IS HERE SHAVE CADETS!
"Getting You In A Lather Since 2012, Phoenix Shaving!" [Please Share The News!]
#SonOfHoneysuckle #SpringSummerScent #PhoenixShaving #PhoenixArtisanAccoutrements #Artisan #TheOGSciFiShave #TrySomethingDifferent #MoreThanJustShaving #AShaveNewWorld
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” ~ Carl Sagan