
Philadelphia, PA
(This post was last modified: 04-06-2016, 07:18 PM by andrewjs18.)
Hi all,

We're very excited to announce that we've teamed up with Nathan (envyshave) of Envy Shave to build us 150 custom 2016 LE aluminum brushes for the forum.  We're targeting a release of late March or early April.  

Purchase Link:

ubersoft synthetic - $80
luxury silvertip - $100
envy white (note the knot will be 24mm)- $110

Some other specs (as of right now):

- the aluminum handle will be anodized in bronze

- users will have a choice between the following envy shave knots: envy white supreme (badger), luxury silvertip (badger) and ubersoft (synthetic)

- knot size: 24mm

- loft: 52 or 53mm

- weight: 107G (with a knot)

Here's a prototype of what the brush handle will look like:

[Image: tjS7MfO.jpg]

[Image: 5tV68eZ.jpg]

[Image: GxI4KC0.jpg]

[Image: AwDhLpN.jpg]

[Image: CftGAIl.jpg]

As more details and photos of a finished brush roll in, I'll be sure to update this post.


tdmsu, wyze0ne, hrfdez and 7 others like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
Price range?

Philadelphia, PA
(02-23-2016, 02:38 PM)Pepfire Wrote: Price range?

I need to get finalized numbers from Nathan before announcing the price range. when I do get that info, I'll update the OP.

semperfi 45 likes this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
Excellent look forward to the finished product.
Looking forward to more details. 150 is a lot of brushes!

Philadelphia, PA
(02-23-2016, 02:57 PM)Bruce Wrote: Looking forward to more details.  150 is a lot of brushes!

indeed, but I like giving enough people the opportunity to obtain a brush.

hrfdez, Eleven, WindsorCitrus and 2 others like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
Wow, that looks awesome. Looking forward to the final product. Its a great to know that you are giving the opportunity to enough peeps for obtaining a LE.

Freddy likes this post
Awesome Handle! !

Freddy likes this post

(02-23-2016, 03:14 PM)lu20vt Wrote: Awesome Handle! !

Agreed, that's very nice looking!

Chazz Reinhold HOF
Lovely handle.

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