Board Statistics
Totals |
Posts: 566,298 Threads: 33,968 Members: 5,958 |
Averages |
Posts per day: 156.4 Threads per day: 9.38 Members per day: 1.65 Posts per member: 95.05 Threads per member: 5.7 Replies per thread: 15.67 |
General |
Newest Member: Mcalkap Members who have posted: 55.45% Today's top poster: Dave in KY (10 posts) Most popular forum: Shave of the Day (95,156 posts, 511 threads) Top referrer: andrewjs18 (4 referrals) |
Most Replied To Threads |
What soap/cream did you use today? (52,369 replies) What razor did you use today? (25,892 replies) What SB did you use today? (24,491 replies) What aftershave splash/balm did you use today? (16,306 replies) What fragrance are you wearing today? (8,918 replies) ETHOS Grooming Essentials A New Line (7,052 replies) Wolfman WR2 Head Discussion (5,834 replies) Dave in KY's Videos and Hangout (5,400 replies) Grooming Dept (5,319 replies) What do you have 'Out for Delivery' ? (4,504 replies) Barrister and Mann (4,127 replies) What Single Edge Did You Use Today (3,928 replies) Shaving notes of the MaineYooper (2,997 replies) Karve Shaving Co. A new DE Brass razor to market. (2,089 replies) 2021/22 Rocnel Sailor Adjustable (2,076 replies) |
Most Viewed Threads |
What soap/cream did you use today? (3,163,719 views) What razor did you use today? (1,828,574 views) What SB did you use today? (1,485,208 views) What aftershave splash/balm did you use today? (1,182,282 views) Barrister and Mann (889,586 views) Grooming Dept (827,400 views) Wolfman WR2 Head Discussion (773,239 views) What fragrance are you wearing today? (650,009 views) What do you have 'Out for Delivery' ? (608,350 views) ETHOS Grooming Essentials A New Line (558,074 views) Karve Shaving Co. A new DE Brass razor to market. (373,767 views) Chatillon Lux Provisions and Chatillon Lux Parfums (312,942 views) Tallow + Steel (311,227 views) The Shave Supply Updates (269,990 views) Dave in KY's Videos and Hangout (249,153 views) |