
Super Moderator
Spent the past couple days traveling for work. Love using the injectors for travel...easy cleaning and don't have to worry about removing blades

[Image: E1giF5S.jpg]

clint64, Blade4vor, SCShaver and 3 others like this post

Super Moderator
(This post was last modified: 10-01-2017, 02:00 PM by HoosierShave.)
Thought I would share some of my "findings" from SEptember '17. First, I didn't think it would be possible but I was able to go the whole month using SE razors. I didn't think it would be possible because I had purchased a Blackbird SB in August. But that purchase relates to my first "revelation" of SEptember.

I found the Blackbird really helped me to improve my technique. And when I decided to try my MMOC, the fact I had spent a good time with the Blackbird became invaluable. The shaves I've been getting with the MMOC have simply been amazing! I had always thought this to be an aggressive razor and I really didn't like it much. But once my technique improved, I found it to be unbelievably smooth. At one point in time, I had this razor on the B/S/T. Now it's probably one of my top 3 razors and will remain in the rotation. Thank goodness for SEptember, otherwise, I probably would've tried to sell it again and then never realize how amazing of a razor the MMOC is!

The second "revelation" I had was with my Schick injectors, more specifically the G-type. I started using them last SEptember and I remember my first shave with one being blood-filled. Thanks to this thread, I kept at it and started getting good shaves with the G-type. But I always seemed to have at least some razor burn with them. It was mainly under my chin but it seemed to always be there. This was happening even at the start of this SEptember. But then, about a week ago, I achieved a very close, very comfortable, and nearly irritation-free shave with my G4. And I had NO razor burn! What it ended up being was pressure. I really thought I had light enough pressure but tried using even less to see what would happen. After a 3 pass shave with nearly no pressure, I'm finding I end up with some absolutely fantastic shaves. I've used a G-type probably 4 more shaves since my "revelation" and each have been close, comfortable, and irritation-free

Lastly, I realized just how awesome the PTFE blade can be! I hadn't really thought much of it prior to this past month. I've only tried it one other time and maybe that one was a bit of a dud. But the one I used this month (19 shaves on it and still going) was just super-smooth and comfortable. I'm going to see how many more shaves I can get from this blade two reasons: 1. Curiosity 2. It's my last one Smile I'll definitely be ordering more of the PTFE's

Hope you guys had great SE shaves this month!

wyze0ne, johnz3333, SCShaver and 2 others like this post
SEptember Summary.

It's been interesting.

The razors were mostly GEM format, 1912, 1919 Damakeene, EverReady 1912, Gem Jr., Featherweight and MMOC (I realized too late that I forgot the GEM Heavyweight AkA G-Bar), Blacklands Sabre, ATT G1 (revised head); Schick E, G & J injectors and the AC format RR aluminum Hawk V1 & V2 and the Colonial brass General; and the OneBlade Core, Autostrop B1 and Valet AutoStrop C1 that use the Valet and Feather FHS format blades.

Four different blade formats, for different blade makers.

The real standout in the month has to be the ATT G1. It even outdid the 1919 GEM Damaskeene that really had been my favorite single edge razor.

Another lesson learned was that in general, the newer razors were different but not better than the old razors. They are prettier but not more efficient or more pleasurable than the razors from a half century or even a century ago.

In injectors, the G series really is my sweet spot but injectors still are somewhat lifeless.

The OneBlade Core really forced me to learn how to shave all over again but once I abandoned what I knew was the right way and followed the directions (RTFM) produced really fantastic results but with zero blade feel, zero scrapes, zero irritation, zero cuts, nicks or bumps. For folk coming from the cartridge world it could well be the gateway drug that might get them hooked on safety razors. Further, it did as well when using half century old Valet blades as with the new Feather FHS blades.

It was fun.

C'est fini!

HoosierShave, Mickey Oberman and SCShaver like this post
To be vintage it must be older than me!
The last razor I bought was the next to last razor I will ever buy!
Awesome information gentlemen.

HoosierShave, Mickey Oberman and johnz3333 like this post
(This post was last modified: 10-08-2017, 12:13 AM by Dragonsbeard.)
Vintage: Of my Gem and Eveready razor's the MMOC and Streamline are at the top of my list as far as efficiency goes with the 1912, G Bar, Clog Prof , Valet B1, GEM Jr and Bullet tip bringing up the rear. I haven't shaved with my Wilkinson 7 day yet so can't rank it.
Modern: I'd have to say El Jefe, Brass General, Sabre, Shick O ring clone (with Japan twins 11 blades only ) Genesis V2, Schick E, Oneblade Core V2

Blade4vor, HoosierShave and Mickey Oberman like this post

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
Have been enjoying my run with SE razors the past 6-8 weeks, as I dedicated a whole month just on SE's alone from vintage to modern. But, I will admit I always come back to 2 main stays in my SE arsenal. My Asylum RX and the Brass General. 2 more opposite razors on each end of the spectrum I have not experienced yet. Both amazing in providing an excellent close and wonderful shaves. I have always considered my RX as the top dog in my SE line up. But the Brass General, with the different handle has provided perhaps some of the best shaves I have ever had out of any safety razor, period. It was good, really good with the stock handle but with the different handle the weight, balance and feel just got kicked up a notch. I think a true testament to an excellent razor is how it shaves for one on a daily basis. If one can shave daily without discomfort or irritation, and achieve the level of closeness that does it for you whether BBS, DFS or CCS, you've done good. The Brass General has started to do that for me, and it does it perfectly....

[Image: V8qSvqM.jpg]

Dragonsbeard, Blade4vor, wyze0ne and 2 others like this post

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
Ikon MR-SE...... It was a good shave. Winking

[Image: lyyWoWH.jpg]

HoosierShave and Blade4vor like this post
One quick question Gus. Was it as good as the Brass General you posted up before this? I just got my MR SE head yesterday but haven't tried it yet.

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
(This post was last modified: 10-14-2017, 05:38 PM by GlazedBoker.)
(10-14-2017, 03:42 PM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: One quick question Gus. Was it as good as the Brass General you posted up before this? I just got my MR SE head yesterday but haven't tried it yet.

Good question. The MR-SE had a Proline and the BG had a Feather Super. They are just about equal in shave quality with the MR-SE giving just a tad more blade feel......

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
Schick G Injector. First time use with a Schick Twin blade. Just marvelous.......

[Image: gVPnYqi.jpg]

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