
Scentsless Shaver
Oakland, ME
New to AC shaving? Or have a new AC-style razor and wonder what blade is best? Or just curious about blades you may not have tried? If so, here’s a PIF for you!

Here are 3 different Kai AC blade dispensers, each at least half full. Included are Kai Captain blades, Kai Captain Mild blades, and Kai Captain Mild ProTouch MG blades (have guards).

This is open to members in both Canada and the US. I will run this for 7 days, ending next Friday, August 4th, by 8 PM Eastern Daylight Time. I will use a random number generator to select the winner of this PIF.

To participate, please post an “I’m in” sort of post. Feel free to share any fun shaving stories, for the benefit of all mankind members of the forum!

rocket, Dave in KY, jesseix and 4 others like this post
- Eric 
Put your message in a modem, 
And throw it in the Cyber Sea
--Rush, "Virtuality"

Overloader of brushes, Overlander fanboy, Schickhead, and a GEM in the rough!
That is a nice pif. I'm in. I've experimented with the Feather AC blades and have had the Kai ones on my "to try" list. Thanks Eric!

Marko, DanLaw and MaineYooper like this post

Scentsless Shaver
Oakland, ME
(This post was last modified: 07-27-2023, 11:50 PM by MaineYooper.)
I should mention that Marko is also responsible for this PIF, being his idea! I am running it to assist him in getting the blades to someone who can benefit from them. I had passed them to him and now he is ready to pass them on to someone else. We both think DFS is a great place and wanted to show our appreciation.

DanLaw, ALI, lloydrm and 4 others like this post
- Eric 
Put your message in a modem, 
And throw it in the Cyber Sea
--Rush, "Virtuality"

Overloader of brushes, Overlander fanboy, Schickhead, and a GEM in the rough!

Just Here for the Shaves
Williamsburg, KY
(07-27-2023, 11:48 PM)MaineYooper Wrote: I should also mention that Marko is also responsible for this PIF, being his idea! I am running it to assist him in getting the blades to someone who can benefit from them. I had passed them to him and now he is ready to pass them on to someone else. We both think DFS is a great place and wanted to show our appreciation.

Gotta watch Marko .... He's shifty Dodgy Big Grin

jesseix, Marko, MaineYooper and 3 others like this post
This post by Dave in KY mentions views and opinions expressed and makes it known that they are "those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DFS or any other member, agency, organization, employer or company."  Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2023, 02:23 AM by ewk.)
Wow. I'm in. My only experience is with the Feather Pro. My "funny" story is about my experience with my AC shavette. For a few weeks I would familiarize the feel in my hand by simulating a shave with no blade installed. The first time I used it with a blade I sunk it into my cheek as soon as I laid it to the skin. My "technique" has improved significantly since that first cut as the blood appears much farther into the shave Smile

Marko, jesseix, MaineYooper and 2 others like this post
Thanks for the generous offer. I've never tried Kai AC blades though I've tried many Kai AC shavettes. I'm interested so I'm in!

Marko and MaineYooper like this post

Scentsless Shaver
Oakland, ME
Similar to ewk, I once did almost the entire first pass with no blade in the razor! I had a new to me Razorock Hawk V3, and would have sworn I'd moved the blade to it, from a Vector SS I had at that time. Wow, so smooth, no bite, and I was in seventh heaven. Until I realized I had stubble galore all over my face! How I didn't notice it until I was almost done with that whole pass I can only blame on an early morning shave and all the excitement of a new razor!

keto, Dave in KY, DanLaw and 1 others like this post
- Eric 
Put your message in a modem, 
And throw it in the Cyber Sea
--Rush, "Virtuality"

Overloader of brushes, Overlander fanboy, Schickhead, and a GEM in the rough!
I'm in. I love AC razors. Have used Feather blades, but have no experience with Kai. Very nice PIF.

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk

DanLaw and MaineYooper like this post
Good stories  I don't think I've done that,  might happen yet though.
I've grabbed a unloaded DE top cap to clean it and realize how close I came to a severe finger slice, it had a blade in it. Yikes!
   Hey nice Pif guys
    I'm in

Marko, DanLaw and MaineYooper like this post

Scentsless Shaver
Oakland, ME
Okay, I have stopped taking names and close the PIF with 5 entrants.

Stand by for results of the Random Number Generator!
- Eric 
Put your message in a modem, 
And throw it in the Cyber Sea
--Rush, "Virtuality"

Overloader of brushes, Overlander fanboy, Schickhead, and a GEM in the rough!

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