I want this to stop. And I do not want to delete that thread. I chose 'Do not subscribe to this thread' option. What else can I do?

[Image: 1iqWR6Z.png]

Philadelphia, PA
(06-21-2019, 04:25 AM)iamsms Wrote: I want this to stop. And I do not want to delete that thread. I chose 'Do not subscribe to this thread' option. What else can I do?

[Image: 1iqWR6Z.png]

I think you may need to delete the actual subscription to the thread as well in here (I think):

I don't ever subscribe to threads/forum sections so let me know if that works.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
(06-21-2019, 05:47 AM)andrewjs18 Wrote: I think you may need to delete the actual subscription to the thread as well in here (I think):

I don't ever subscribe to threads/forum sections so let me know if that works.

Hmm... I am not subscribed to any threads, but I am still getting these. I guess I will have to live with it :S.

[Image: XzkMkbe.png]

[Image: oC7lq5n.png]

It might be because you are the thread starter? Did you get a notification for this message?

Look under alert settings:

[Image: HhIFZxl.jpg]

Freddy, HighSpeed, jaro101969 and 2 others like this post
(06-21-2019, 05:49 PM)gregcss Wrote: It might be because you are the thread starter? Did you get a notification for this message?

That might be it! I disabled notification in alert settings. Now I will wait for someone to comment in my threads and see what happens. Thanks!

gregcss and Freddy like this post
Yes! I can confirm gregcss's tips worked! thanks again.

jaro101969, gregcss and Freddy like this post

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