Cologne-Fougère (Le Père Lucien)
Temperatures in the low 80s and grass as green as an emerald called for a summertime fougère. I left out the Shea butter this today, but the shave was splendid nevertheless. This week with LPL soaps has opened my eyes to this brand's possibilities. It takes a scoopful of soap and some persistent scuttle work to get a stiff, light lather, but once you have a good pot of suds, you can count on a close, velvety smooth shave.
Rockwell 6S R4 • Feather (1) • Plissoft 400
Temperatures in the low 80s and grass as green as an emerald called for a summertime fougère. I left out the Shea butter this today, but the shave was splendid nevertheless. This week with LPL soaps has opened my eyes to this brand's possibilities. It takes a scoopful of soap and some persistent scuttle work to get a stiff, light lather, but once you have a good pot of suds, you can count on a close, velvety smooth shave.
Rockwell 6S R4 • Feather (1) • Plissoft 400
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