
New Jersey
(This post was last modified: 04-14-2017, 05:28 PM by DblDe.)
Looking to pick up L&L Unconditional Surrender and a tub of TSM Fougere.  Let me know if you have one that you're not using.

Thanks for looking.

Found Both.

New Jersey
Removed Barrister and Mann Fougere and added L&L TSM Fougere. If you have one you wont be using let me know.

New Jersey
Some things on offer: Tim's Greek Peach 4x, Fine Green Vetiver in wooden Bowl(with lid) 3x, Barrister and Mann Baudelaire 2x, Cologne Russe 2x, Adagio set 3x, L&L Puzzle 2x, Trismegistus 4x, Chiseled Face Sherlock 3x, Summer Storm 3x. and I'm sure others can be bartered for if it's needed.

New Jersey
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2017, 03:46 PM by DblDe.)
Adding Tallow and Steel Shag soap, or set to the list. If you have one of these soaps (or sets) that is not for you, or you have extras of, please let me know. I can add to the list above, and even add some hardware or Brushes to the trade offer. I'd buy anyone of them if you're looking for cash.

New Jersey
Added Tallow and Steel Shag

New Jersey
Found TSM Fougere. Still looking out for Unconditional Surrender and T&S Shag

New Jersey
Update: Found TSM Fougere and Tallow and Steel Shag. Still hoping to pick up a tub of Unconditional Surrender.

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