I'm glad these are finally showing up in people's dens as I look forward to hearing about build quality. I've seen a few pics on various forums that might just be weird lighting, etc., but fit didn't look super tight.
Anyway, I keep going back and forth about my next razor purchase. As someone who has culled his "collection" ( I hesitate to use that term for myself as I really do not have a collector's mentality) over the last year, I'd like to at least try to keep my razor stash small and avoid the cyclical buy, buy, buy, followed by unload, unload, unload, hahahaha.
One thing I do know: I want to get a titanium razor soon. I've tried several, but have never owned one. Since abandoning my resolve to never spend more than $200 on a 3-piece DE (heck, only 9 months ago, I owned 3 SS .68 complete Timeless set-ups--all base plates +caps + handles), I have conveniently removed a very important obstacle if the right product compels me.
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