Hello everyone,

I'm RodWolf19, I've been wetshaving for I think 5 years. I'm from the glorious land of Texas. While I was in an ROTC program I had to shave daily and found that to be awful, my face would bleed and ooze all over my uniforms. I started with the van der hagen kit, moved to C.o Bigelow, a Gillette Slim Adjustable and a small makeup brush for a long time. I ended up losing that razor and I stuck to a super speed for a while. One day I bit the bullet and bought a 69' Super-109, started looking into artisan soapmakers and here I am, quite hooked and couldn't be happier. Thanks for the read and I'm glad I have the opportunity to join this community.

Polishaver, Rebus Knebus and Freddy like this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Welcome to DFS RodWolf19 and enjoy your stay. Smile

Las Vegas, NV, USA
Good to have you with us here.
Whenever I go to shave, I assume there’s someone else on the planet shaving, so I say “I’m gonna go shave, too.”
– Mitch Hedberg


Vintage Razor Fan
Southwestern NY
Welcome to DFS, RodWolf19!

expert shaver
Panther's Stanley Cup Champs
Welcome and enjoy the forum
Welcome to the neighborhood!
[Image: SgzPLfy.jpg]
Jeff -L.O.S.E.R.

Philadelphia, PA
thanks for checking us out!
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
Welcome to DFS Smile
Welcome to DFS. I'm also from Texas. With the weather we've been having, I've been hitting the mentholated soaps up pretty hard lately. What soaps do you like? Any menthols?

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