Mine was delivered a while ago.  No glamour shots next to other gear as this is now literally one of the two razors I own.  Feels like yesterday when I had 18 razors on-hand.  Gonna be especially discerning going forward when it comes to razor purchases.  I've tried so many razors the past few years I feel that I have partaken of the hobby plenty, with enough money "spent" for the privilege of owning razors for a short time and moving them on, hahahahaha.

Initial use of the Z074-ti will be either tomorrow or Thursday; looking forward to it.

[Image: IMG-1119.jpg]

[Image: IMG-1120.jpg]

Calm_Shaver, kingfisher, Shavemd and 5 others like this post
(05-18-2021, 07:18 PM)molon_labe Wrote: I received the brand new Z074 titanium razor from Haircut & Shave Company yesterday and got my first shave in with it this morning. First impression is very favorable, dare I make the claim that this could very well be my favorite new daily DE razor.

I don’t want to label it as mild for risk of putting some people off right away, but it has to be among the most comfortable razors I’ve ever used. It maintains the almost impossible efficiency/comfort balance of the N075, but at 60% the weight it is extremely maneuverable and controllable.

I put it on par comfort-wise with the titanium Timeless .68 OC which is my current favorite daily DE razor, however, with greater efficiency.

More time will tell, but for now I can certainly say for many folks this will be a contender for a daily-use razor. If you can get past the price tag.

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Great images. Thank you for sharing.

molon_labe, Lesser, Shavemd and 2 others like this post
I now have 3 shaves in with the ZO74 one on 48 hrs growth and 2 with 24. 
I used ETHOS Greenfresh Soap and Post shave serum for all 3. Which for me is an awesome product.
I used a 3rd use PolSilver for the first shave a new PolSilver for the 2nd and a new 7 O’Clock Black for the 3rd.

There is minimal to no blade feel with this razor but you can easily hear it cutting 
The razor is extremely smooth with all 3 passes WTG,XTG and ATG and buffs with no irritation 
In all the shaves the WTG pass took down the majority of my beard easily and the large lather channels work great. 
All 3 shaves took a full 3 pass shave and a little buffing to get a true BBS yet there was never any irritation post shave. 
The BBS lasted about 8 hours. 
The fit and finish on this razor is top notch I would easily put it up against the Wolfman Ti brushed finish.
IMHO this is a very smooth razor that shaves very similar to my NO75 with the SS Top cap and aluminum BP, I have a H&S Ti handle with it. It is extremely smooth but it’s duration of BBS , like the NO75 is on the shorter range of my collection. If you prefer smoothness over a long lasting BBS or just go for DFS then this is definitely a razor to consider but if you want a 2 pass BBS or one that lasts more in the 12-16 hour range go with the PO76. 
[Image: UVkEVbf.jpg]

Calm_Shaver, Mtt02263, Rebus Knebus and 4 others like this post

Raleigh, NC
I had my 2nd shave with the Z084 this morning. With a Ti Blackbird and Vector SB plate expected to arrive on Friday, I didn’t want to miss a beat of figuring out exactly where the Z stands for me. I decided to go for a head-to-head shave off with my current favorite DE razor, the Timeless Ti .68OC. I think both of these razors are in the same wheelhouse and will appeal to the same people with the same intended use. For me, I’m a daily shaver with a coarse beard and sensitive skin. The Ti Timeless has been the absolute best combination of comfort and efficiency that I’ve been able to find to date after 7+ years of wet shaving. 

For the shave I had 24 hours of stubble, used a fresh Nacet blade in both razors, Shannon’s Nil soap (the only soap I use so I’m very consistent/comfortable getting ideal lather), and I used both razors in their standard configuration although neither handle is my preferred length or style. 

Here’s how the 2 razors compare...

Total - 73g
Head - 23g
Handle - 50g (85mm length, 14mm diameter)
Price - $295 (as configured)

Total - 73g
Head - 20g
Handle - 53g (95mm length, 14mm diameter)
Price - $400

I’m right handed so tend to naturally have an easier time on the right side of my face, so chose to use the Timeless on the right and the H&S on the left just to avoid any possible favoring/prejudice of the Z074 simply because it’s “new and exciting”. 

On the first pass (WTG), the Timeless felt a smidge smoother in terms of hair cutting. I assume this is due to the extra mass in the head having an easier time working it’s way through the coarse stubble. I felt similarly when I compared the Timeless to its SS counterpart, with the advantage going to the heavier and denser SS. Blade feel between the H&S and Timeless Ti on the first pass was close enough that I couldn’t tell a discernible difference. Both have very minimal blade feel and both are extremely comfortable. Feeling my face after the first pass, I’d say there was an ever-so-slight advantage to the Timeless in terms of efficiency. 

On pass 2 (XTG), both razors performed about equally. On this pass I really dialed in the angle on the H&S and could not feel the blade at all when it’s in the sweet spot. The Timeless, which I am more familiar with, also performed excellent with minimal blade feel. Both razors delivered extremely comfortable 2nd passes and after feeling my face it was a dead draw for efficiency. 

On pass 3 (ATG), I feel like this is where the Z074 really shined and offered a noted advantage over the Timeless. When you get the angle in that sweet spot on the H&S, there is no blade feel at all and allows for extremely smooth and comfortable ATG shaving. Like with the Timeless, I felt like there was no risk of cutting or nicking myself, but the zero blade feel also made me extremely confident that I would not have irritation even in my trouble spots that usually flare up if I don’t hit the ATG perfectly. The Timeless, as usual, also delivered a markedly smooth ATG pass with no irritation, albeit I had to be slightly more careful of excess buffing and technique. 

After cleaning up, both sides of my face felt equally smooth, no irritation, and all else being equal I could not perceive a noticeable difference.  About 6 hours later I was able to start feeling the stubble on the right side of my face coming in. At the time of posting this I am 8 hours post shave and the left side (H&S) is still smooth, noticeably more than the right in some of the thicker growth areas. 

Both of these razors are outstanding for my personal needs and intended use. But after today I give the slight nod to the H&S which clearly resulted in a closer shave.  Although I have never been bothered by blade feel or chose a razor based on that factor alone, there was just something about the absence of blade during the ATG pass using the H&S that really resonated and made me enjoy the shave just a bit more. 

Is the H&S worth the extra $100?  Only you can decide that. But for me, being that I’ve been on a quest to find THE perfect DE that I can use comfortably every day, the answer is yes. 

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[Image: GSrLLlr.jpg]

Dragonsbeard, AQU, Zhang Doe and 5 others like this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
Last photo a revelation.
Yeah, I didn't necessarily think of the Z074 as "slim" when I received it yesterday, but that shot of the head next to the Timeless...well....

DanLaw likes this post

Raleigh, NC
(05-19-2021, 10:38 PM)JoeLr Wrote: Yeah, I didn't necessarily think of the Z074 as "slim" when I received it yesterday, but that shot of the head next to the Timeless...well....

Yes it’s actually quite a bit lower profile than the Timeless. But then again, most razors are. If I get a chance tomorrow I’ll try to take a comparison next to the other DEs I have, which admittedly is not much anymore since I tend to move things along if they aren’t my favorite.

AQU likes this post
How does the head compare to the titanium Timeless Slim?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One shave so far. I feel I kinda need to get re-acclimated to DE shaving. Other than a small amount of time with a friend's P076-ti in early April, I have been exclusively rolling with my AC-style Blackland Vector since early Feb.

tl; dr Those wanting blade feel and 8+ hour efficiency need not apply. Those wanting buttery smooth, zero irritation even with multiple buffing passes: this should be for you. I like the aesthetics and build quality that I have come to just take for granted from an Aji creation.

[this is where a normal person would have detailed shave report; well, I am not that guy, but I'll be chiming in once in a while with thoughts/impressions]

AQU likes this post

Raleigh, NC
(05-20-2021, 01:15 AM)IJoeLr Wrote: Other than a small amount of time with a friend's P076-ti in early April, I have been exclusively rolling with my AC-style Blackland Vector since early Feb. 

I have yet to find a DE that shaves as well as my Vector OC.

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