Shave #2 (4/7/22)
Razor: Aylsworth Drakkant Prototype
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium 3rd Use
Brush: Mojo Handcrafts Solar Flare with 26mm Oumo Hand Tied SHD LotusTip Manchuria
Soap: Murphy & McNeil BDLM3
Post: Murphy & McNeil BDLM3
Three pass shave:
1st pass WTG (Cheeks) WTG (Neck)
2nd pass XTG (Cheeks) WTG/ATG (Neck)
3rd pass ATG (Cheeks) WTG/ATG (Neck)
Touch ups around the chin and neck area
Second shave with the Drakkant. Went with a soap base that I have grown to really enjoy and sits well with my skin.
Paired with my other go to blade the Wizamet Super Iridium rewarded me with another overall great shave. Was able to perform a three pass shave and really for the upper part (cheeks/goatee) I could have called it in two. With the neck was able to get in a very comfortable third pass for a DFS shave.
The head design clamps the blade very well close to its edge substantially eliminating chances of having blade chatter which in my opinion is key for consistently achieving comfortable shaves.
One thing I want to note that was great on the third and final pass I try and take a downward pass which is both a WTG/ATG pass for myself as my hair grows in all different directions in the neck area. The razor performed vert well not tugging or pulling leaving no irritation or soreness in that area. Very few DE razors I attempt this with because most DE’s for myself with the exception of very few tug and pull even on a third pass with substantial hair reduction from the previous two passes. The Drakkant passed this test for myself!
Looking forward to the third and final!
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Marhos24 and
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