
Austin, TX
I keep my "current" razors out on the counter in a shave tray as well as a razor stand.

The rest I have essentially in boxes underneath the counter but they were just laying on terry cloth. To increase my storage capacity without risking damage I recently ordered some micro-fiber bags designed for glasses and have to say, I am pleased with the result.

I can basically pack more into the same space safely and I have found that the microfiber is great for any pre-storage buffing/polishing too.

How do you store your razors?
I use pen stands
[Image: byCIRYX.jpg]

kwsher, primotenore, Cincinnatus and 1 others like this post
In a few old spice mugs on my shelf.
[Image: v9KhUvd.jpg]  Wooden test tube racks.

kwsher likes this post

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.  Winston Churchill


Austin, TX
Captain, that almost looks like a museum display- very nice collection and that Valet looks minty!

Teddy, the test tube racks I think are very cool but my wife frowns on me having too much of "my" stuff in "her" bathroom. Do you keep those out? Looks like you may have a wire rack system as well.

Thanks much for your ideas.

Philadelphia, PA
I have a few in my medicine cabinet. the rest are in my spare bedroom in a dresser drawer that I relegated for 'shaving' use. lol
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
As with Teddy, I keep my razors stored in test tube racks (12 per rack). The RR razors are stored in the holder that they came in.
My DE's are on a double row test tube rack on top of my dresser and my SE's are in a wooden pen holder that has my name carved out it.

Southern Ohio
A box in the closet.
You are correct.  Here is the whole shabang.  There is a little space outside of the bathroom.  Frankly, my wife thinks this stuff is cool; go figure!

[Image: vMmuJJX.jpg]

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Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.  Winston Churchill

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