
Philadelphia, PA
(08-22-2017, 10:30 PM)dominicr Wrote: Good feedback. We are changing the soap container to a 3 5/8" wide tub for the soap. It will be better for loading up. Problem solved.

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that's good to hear and thanks for allowing us to give your products a try and to send them around to other DFS users!

dapper636 and User 458 like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

St. Louis, MO
(08-16-2017, 09:57 PM)rogue13 Wrote: I am in. That lather looks amazing.

No reason our mates over in the U.K. should have to wait. PM me your contact information and we'll start a European pass around.

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ANG69, andrewjs18, BadDad and 1 others like this post
Shave Sharp, Look Sharp
The soap container I have is glass with a nice thick screw top lid. Are you guys staying with the glass container? I like the glass. It makes me feel like royalty, as everything else I have but TABAC is plastic.
I agree the mouth of the jar was quite small. I had to take a spoon and reshape a mound in the middle from the edges. But the lid and heft of the glass is very classy.
Like andrewjs18 I am pretty much a face latherer. Since I dont want to contaminate the soap with different oils, I was doing the scuttle. I took this soap on a trip and forgot my damn scuttle. I just face lathered as normal, rebuilt lather on the brush before my next pass, and added the oil directly to the brush lather, then refreshed what was on my face. Worked like a champ. Problem solved. I had enough on my brush for 3 more passes.

This soap kicks ass.

St. Louis, MO
Thanks. Unfortunately, the glass had two problems. 1. Too narrow a mouth. 2. Too heavy for shipping. We're moving to a 3 5/8" wide plastic. Sorry to disappoint, but the soap will still be awesome.

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Shave Sharp, Look Sharp

Philadelphia, PA
the box of goodies was shipped to BadDad on Tuesday afternoon. According to the receipt I have, he should be getting it early next week.

dominicr, Freddy, dapper636 and 1 others like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
Soap arrived last night, and I had my first shave with it. I have some feelings and thoughts developing, but I want to provide a fair opportunity to both myself and the soap before I publicize my thoughts.

Mainly posting now to let everyone I have the soap, balm, and oil.


dominicr and andrewjs18 like this post
-Chris~Head Shaver~

Is the soap SLS and ALS free? Or should I ask, is it made from all natural ingredients? Other than the sodium and/or potassium hydroxide that is.

I have to ask because there are still some manufacturers that will include SLS, sodium lauryl sulfate, in their soaps to enhance the foaming action of the soap. SLS is know to cause cell mutation and can lead to cancer. No that will no be a mutation to cause you to become the next up and coming X-men.
No SLS or ALS added

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thank you for the information. this looks like an amazing soap. I hope it's a big seller for you.

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